Happy first day of Fall! Or Autumn? Which do you say? Autumn seems formal to me and I never say it, but I do like it on signs and note cards.
It doesn't quite feel like Fall yet in Texas. The forecast for the next 10 days has us peeking into the low 90s for highs. And really, this shouldn't be a shock to me. I've resided in Texas my whole live long life! Except for three months of EUPHORIA in Yellowstone National Park back in my college days. I was there from mid-May to mid-August of 1995 and it snowed at least once each month I was there. That was an adventure for this Texas gal all by itself.
I'm a roots girl who thinks she want's to be less bound. I'm sure it's a natural progression of life. My son, my one and only child, is a senior this year. We are way busy with college plans. Testing, and applying, and preparing for auditions. And once he starts college, what next? I mean, I know there is more. I look forward to days of not being bound by a public school schedule. But I'll miss it too. Mostly, I'll miss what I already miss - his littleness, and introducing him to the new and novel.
I'm excited for him too. He will be finding his own path and he has plans. Big plans. I'm looking forward to him seeing them through. Though knowing he will have heartbreaks along the way, makes me want to steel my heart - an impossibility really. Mommas of boys, you understand, right?
Amid all these feels, however, is a sense that I need to step back, to pare down, and to adventure more. It's confusing really. I pray for clarity and there are times when I see the path I should take so clearly, it's as if God wrote a love letter right on my heart. But mostly, I feel like I'm treading water, not sure which way is the shore. I don't blame God for this. I'm positive He's there, waiting to guide me, as soon as I'm ready to focus on Him and listen. Why is that so hard to do?
Learning to Be An Oak Tree
They will be called OAKS of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of His SPLENDOR! Isaiah 61:3
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Friday, August 7, 2015
Starting out and winding down
My sister-in-law im'd me at work yesterday:
Julie: Well... Elias starts Pre-K @ Edison
I have my very first "Meet the Teacher" on Aug 20th
I am nervous... any words of advice?
She and I are in different places on this parenting gig. My one and only starts his senior year later this month. While her oldest of three starts Pre-K. What we share is the commonality of being moms who work outside the home. And so we also share the commonality of specific feelings of guilt.
I'm a deep feeler. But it's not easy for me to express those thoughts and feelings. Verbally, I trip over my tongue and blunder and see the words I want to say march across my brain, but mostly they never find their way out of my mouth. When I write, I'm able to express a bit more, but it takes me a long time. There is no easy flow from thoughts to fingers on a keyboard. And so, in times like these, I am mostly at a loss to find comforting words to give. Yesterday, I spoke/typed from my heart, and while not eloquent, the words are sincere.
1. Teachers are just people. They don't know everything. But the good ones do have your kid's best interest at heart. Listen to what they say (whether good or bad), but trust your gut. And remember, no one will fight for your kid like you will. Period.
Just be sure what your fighting for is actually worth the fight. Because sometimes, it just isn't. And the thing that NEEDS to be fought for will come along.
2. Sometimes your kid will be the best at things and sometimes the worst at things. But most of the time, he'll be right in the middle. That's ok. Make your goal be to insure he is doing the best HE can. Comparison is the thief of joy...and all that.
3. Kids will say and do mean things to him sometimes. Teach him that their opinion doesn't matter and doesn't change his worth. You will straight up find yourself wanting to kick a 5 year old's ass. Take a deep breath and hold your tongue. By the way, you will never like that kid. Even when your son is a senior. ;)
4. As hard as it is to watch him lose a bit of his sweetness due to the meanness he encounters, remember that ultimately he is learning to cope in the real world, and that will be character building for him.
5. Be as involved as you can be with school activities, but don't beat yourself up when you can't be there. He will know how hard you tried for him. (I think all mommas carry guilt for a variety of things to do with their children, but the guilt of not being available to attend all the things is a particular guilt for mommas who have jobs outside the home.)
6. And finally, cherish it! You will be sick of signing papers and listening to halting reading and when he counts he may skip the number 15 every time and it may drive you crazy and you may think EVERY OTHER CHILD can do this, why can't you!? And you may take away a toy because you just know that he isn't trying his best. .. He is, mom. That number 15 just escapes him. But he will remember it eventually, and life will go on. And you will carry the guilt of that overreaction...even when he is a senior in high school.
What heart advice would you share with a momma sending her first one off to school?
Julie: Well... Elias starts Pre-K @ Edison
I have my very first "Meet the Teacher" on Aug 20th
I am nervous... any words of advice?
She and I are in different places on this parenting gig. My one and only starts his senior year later this month. While her oldest of three starts Pre-K. What we share is the commonality of being moms who work outside the home. And so we also share the commonality of specific feelings of guilt.
I'm a deep feeler. But it's not easy for me to express those thoughts and feelings. Verbally, I trip over my tongue and blunder and see the words I want to say march across my brain, but mostly they never find their way out of my mouth. When I write, I'm able to express a bit more, but it takes me a long time. There is no easy flow from thoughts to fingers on a keyboard. And so, in times like these, I am mostly at a loss to find comforting words to give. Yesterday, I spoke/typed from my heart, and while not eloquent, the words are sincere.
1. Teachers are just people. They don't know everything. But the good ones do have your kid's best interest at heart. Listen to what they say (whether good or bad), but trust your gut. And remember, no one will fight for your kid like you will. Period.
Just be sure what your fighting for is actually worth the fight. Because sometimes, it just isn't. And the thing that NEEDS to be fought for will come along.
2. Sometimes your kid will be the best at things and sometimes the worst at things. But most of the time, he'll be right in the middle. That's ok. Make your goal be to insure he is doing the best HE can. Comparison is the thief of joy...and all that.
3. Kids will say and do mean things to him sometimes. Teach him that their opinion doesn't matter and doesn't change his worth. You will straight up find yourself wanting to kick a 5 year old's ass. Take a deep breath and hold your tongue. By the way, you will never like that kid. Even when your son is a senior. ;)
4. As hard as it is to watch him lose a bit of his sweetness due to the meanness he encounters, remember that ultimately he is learning to cope in the real world, and that will be character building for him.
5. Be as involved as you can be with school activities, but don't beat yourself up when you can't be there. He will know how hard you tried for him. (I think all mommas carry guilt for a variety of things to do with their children, but the guilt of not being available to attend all the things is a particular guilt for mommas who have jobs outside the home.)
6. And finally, cherish it! You will be sick of signing papers and listening to halting reading and when he counts he may skip the number 15 every time and it may drive you crazy and you may think EVERY OTHER CHILD can do this, why can't you!? And you may take away a toy because you just know that he isn't trying his best. .. He is, mom. That number 15 just escapes him. But he will remember it eventually, and life will go on. And you will carry the guilt of that overreaction...even when he is a senior in high school.
What heart advice would you share with a momma sending her first one off to school?
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Cousins and friends
Their Grandmas are sisters. Their Mommas are cousins. These boys are cousins and friends. I hope they are always close and value their family relationships. They are so loved and they are part of the future of our family. And lucky me, I am their great Auntie. God has planted blessings everywhere for his children to discover.
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Some summer sweetness
I experienced some summer sweetness this weekend. Fourth of July at my brother and SILs home was nice, and then on Sunday we celebrated my great-nephew Aiden's 5th birthday. These great-nephews and great-nieces of mine have my HEART. Sweetness, each one of them.
The birthday boy loved the big water slide that was set up in the backyard of his Mia's (grandma, my sister Jill) house.
Here he decided to slide down on his tummy and he's telling me, "Aunt Amy, I hurt my WHOLE self!"
And here he's just giving me a goober face! ;)
I hope your summer has sweetness too!
The birthday boy loved the big water slide that was set up in the backyard of his Mia's (grandma, my sister Jill) house.
Here he decided to slide down on his tummy and he's telling me, "Aunt Amy, I hurt my WHOLE self!"
A bit later, he had to show me how far he could shoot his arrows.
And here he's just giving me a goober face! ;)
His cousin Jaxon got in on the sliding fun too! (he loved it...wish I could get the whole video to load)
After that he decided he'd ride with his momma.
Next he decided to play in the dirt!
Dirt in the hair and behind the ears means it's a good day when you are a 3 year old boy!
And then I caught him on a cheetos break.
And the newest bit of sweetness is almost 2 month old Skye Laverne.
Just plain sweet.
I hope your summer has sweetness too!
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Sometimes I make things never. Sometimes I make things lots.
I made circle garlands,
Poof balls,
a butterfly mobile,
I like the how it came together.
And then I made the new baby an afghan (mom and dad love the color purple) ;)

And there is a little tutu in the making for little Skye too. (Mom and Dad and LSU Tiger fans.) ;)
Here's my baby, holding his new baby cousin - Skye Laverne Trahan
I've also worked a bit on this zippy strippy quilt for my great-nephew, Jaxon. His momma helped me pick the fabric when she was carrying him. Now he's three. Feast or famine with me and sewing y'all!
But, I'll have it finished in a few days. (i hope, i hope, i hope)
Speaking of Jaxon...how adorable is he!? (I don't know why it's sideways...just tilt your head to the right!)
My dear friend Robbie had a birthday yesterday, so I picked her out some smancy French soap and made her a soap sock. These are cool. I'll be crocheting some more. Y'all should check my shop in the next couple of weeks and grab one!
Yesterday I had a craving for Nutella that would not be denied! So I made these. Get a can of Pillsbury croissants, or whatever brand. It doesn't matter to me. Separate the triangles, plop a spoonful on the fat side of the triangle, roll up into the croissant shape, and bake them according to the instructions on the can. Husbands, children and co-workers will sing your praises.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Snow Day 2015
North Texas finally got some snow. Love it! Last year we had ice, and it was looking like that would be all we would see this year. But, finally, yesterday morning, real live snow fell. It's beautiful, and cold, and NOW...I'm ready for a lovely Texas Spring. :)
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Etsy and Pinterest are my before bed addiction routine. I lay there, on my phone, scrolling and pinning and scrolling and favoriting (is that a word?). My eyes start drooping. I will surely NOT get up at 5:31 am when my alarm goes off. (Does anyone else do this? I set my alarm for 5:31, because my snooze is 9 minutes long, and I know I won't get up on the first buzz. So I snooze, and then I can get up at the nice, even number of 5:40 am. Unless, I snooze again, and then...my world? ...totally rocked.)
I digress.
Here's what currently has my attention on etsy:
This mug from PrintableWisdom. I love everything about it! Even the model's shirt!
Vintage owl coasters from BettyandDot. Look at their cranky little faces!
This pillow by TableclothShop - lest we forget this beautiful world God created for us!

Gah!! I even love the earthworm! Print by thewheatfield.
And these butterflies by thewheatfield too! I need a BIG ol print of this one!

If only I could hide all the packages before my hubs saw them, and if only he weren't quite so observant! ;)
And then there is Pinterest...
This safety pin bracelet reminds me of the 80s. Anyone? I'm pretty sure I had safety pins with beads on my jean jacket. Along with my 'Gag me with a Spoon' button.
Sadly, this iphone repair kit caught my attention because I am currently with broken screen. It happened 2 months ago. $100 to replace a screen? EEP! No. I know, I know...I should have purchased the insurance. (eyeroll). I think I'll just upgrade to the Big iphone 6! Makes total sense, right?
Before I share these next 2 items, I have to tell you, I am not a DIYer. My husband is not a DIYer. BUT, I have big plans for us to become DIYers. My husband, not so much. This is a work in progress. Once I convince him, this is what I'd like to do with my round kitchen table. Just not sure what color yet.
And I really think we could do this light fixure too. We already have a fixture like the bottom pic...it will be free as soon as we DIY the hall bathroom! But wait, round table and long rectangle light fixture. Is that a decorating faux paux? What do you think?
I digress.
Here's what currently has my attention on etsy:

Gah!! I even love the earthworm! Print by thewheatfield.

If only I could hide all the packages before my hubs saw them, and if only he weren't quite so observant! ;)
And then there is Pinterest...
This safety pin bracelet reminds me of the 80s. Anyone? I'm pretty sure I had safety pins with beads on my jean jacket. Along with my 'Gag me with a Spoon' button.
Sadly, this iphone repair kit caught my attention because I am currently with broken screen. It happened 2 months ago. $100 to replace a screen? EEP! No. I know, I know...I should have purchased the insurance. (eyeroll). I think I'll just upgrade to the Big iphone 6! Makes total sense, right?
Before I share these next 2 items, I have to tell you, I am not a DIYer. My husband is not a DIYer. BUT, I have big plans for us to become DIYers. My husband, not so much. This is a work in progress. Once I convince him, this is what I'd like to do with my round kitchen table. Just not sure what color yet.
And I really think we could do this light fixure too. We already have a fixture like the bottom pic...it will be free as soon as we DIY the hall bathroom! But wait, round table and long rectangle light fixture. Is that a decorating faux paux? What do you think?
And finally, can I just encourage you to type 'bunny butt' in the search field of Pinterest? Please do this. Serious cute stuff with bunny butts...even some actually real. bunny. butts! Like this:
and this:
I do not, however, suggest googling the same phrase.
Linking up to Jenny's Alphabe-Thursday for the letter L.
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