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I’m in a quandary!
And I shouldn’t be. The quandary causers are FUN things. The timeline is the quandary.
Let me explain.
My niece, Hannah, is pregnant. I’m helping host her baby shower on June 5th. Super fun – but LOTs to do between now and then. And I’m going out of town the weekend before. And, did I mention, my full-time job is about an hour away from my house so I’m pretty much out of the fun stuff from 7:40 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday.
But, none of this caused the quandary. Well, maybe in part. But only because I entered this contest. {With absolutely NO expectation of winning, I must add.}
The contest was through
Gooseberry Patch, a company whose cookbooks I adore and who is directly responsible for me meeting some of the best friends of my life. (Mrs. Matlock included!)
I read an email last week that said Host a Preview Party for our New Cookbook! So, I clicked on the link. And I wrote a little blurb about why I love Gooseberry Patch cookbooks so. Darn.much!
This morning I open my email and there’s a message from Gooseberry Patch. You are a winner!
I am one of the twenty folks selected to host a cookbook preview party.
Which means planning and cooking and cleaning and organizing and inviting and making it super fun so that when the pictures of my party are posted to Gooseberry’s Facebook page all of you will vote that my party was the MOST fun and then I will win autographed cookbooks for me and all my guests!
{Pausing to catch my breath…….}
Quandary (dictionary defined) – nagging doubts
I have nagging doubts that I can pull it all off. Did I mention that Grand Prize winner will be announced by June 16th?
Quandary (Amy Defined) – How am I going to fit it all in??????!!!!!!!!!!
{You may have noticed I skipped the letter P. That reminds me of that old grade school joke> Teacher asks boy to say the alphabet. He does.....M N O Q R S T U V... Teacher says, "Where's your P?" Boy replies, "Running down my leg!"}