Sunday, January 24, 2010

Three Virgils and a weekend get-a-way

This weekend Virgil, his parents, Stephen and I stayed in a cabin at Tenkiller State Park near Vian, OK. We were there specifically for an American Bald Eagle and Loon tour.

We did not see any bald eagles.

We did not see any loons.

Er, wait! There were these three loons:

The three Virgils: Virgil Glenn, Virgil Benjamin, and Virgil Stephen

We saw cormarants and Canadian geese:


Even an armadillo -

{we also saw a opossum and deer, but I didn't get any pictures!)

And the [not so] wildlife that came along for the ride:


Jenny said...

Amy, how fun! Didn't know they were all Virgils. Lucky you having those three fine loon-hunting Virgils in your life!

Mardell said...

Ditto what Jenny said!! It looks like you're still a little chilly in TX? Glad you had fun. Great pics. I've never seen an armadillo before. I am surprised Stephen got so close. Wow!

Have a super week!

Nicki Meier said...

Come to Canada, and you can see the Bald Eagle in my back yard, the loon in the creek down the road, and the Canadian Geese Everywhere! But...sad to armadillo's in Canada! Way cool! :)